show vlan eaps

show {vlan} vlan_name eaps


Displays the EAPS configuration (control, partner, or not added to an EAPS domain) of a specific VLAN.

Syntax Description

vlan_name Specifies a VLAN name.



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to see if the specified VLAN is associated with an EAPS domain.

The output of this command displays whether the VLAN is a control or partner VLAN for an EAPS domain. This command also displays if the VLAN is not a member of any EAPS domain.

If a VLAN is a partner VLAN for more than one EAPS domain, all of the EAPS domains that the VLAN is a partner of appears in the output.


The following sample output displays the EAPS configuration for the control VLAN orange in EAPS domain eaps1:

#show vlan orange eaps

Vlan is Control in following EAPS domain:

The following sample output displays the EAPS configuration for the protected VLAN purple in EAPS domain eaps1:

#show vlan purple eaps

Vlan is Protected in following EAPS domain(s):eaps1 

The following sample output displays information about the VLAN default not participating in EAPS:

#show vlan default eaps

Vlan has not been added to any EAPS domain


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.0.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, and X695 series switches.